Rubén’s talk at the TUM Weltforum !

Thanks to the excellent commitment of the organizer Mr. Bernando Miller Naranjo, we contribute to the ASEZ “Zero Plastic 2040” Forum in which Rubén highlighted the vision of using proteins for optoelectronics under the frame of the European projects ARTIBLED and BioSinFin. There were other exciting talks from Dr. Teissier (TU Berlin) and Prof. Curtis (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) about the impact of micro-/nano-plastics.  Overall, a great experience! 

The Public Climate School is a German-wide educational week from November 4th to November 8th under the motto “Climate, Education, Democracy.” It is campaign dedicated to promoting climate education and fostering sustainability in universities, schools, and across society.
The TUM Environmental Department of the student representation has organized together with the Sustainability Office a full week of lectures, focusing on climate justice, sustainability, and democratic engagement. Rubén participated here with a lecture about his vision on protein based materials as a leading example of how to walk toward the sustainable transformation of our technological society.

  • Participation in the children’s program Aprendamos juntos 2030 – “C of cable…what’s behind the plugs?”

  • Organization of a satellite event – “Protein-based materials: A sustainable solution for our technological world” with around 70 participants.
  • Participation and organization of talks about the sustainable development and design of materials applied to our current technologies. This should be addressed to all public:
    1. Johannes-Turmair-Gymnasium on 15.07.2022; Around 40 students spanning from 7 to 11 course.
    2. European Climate Pact and the Bürgerstiftung Straubing, we participated in the KinderUni Straubing initiative with a lecture about “How Nature produces its own light”. We talked together about sustainable approaches using proteins and living materials as active components of LEDs; Around 50 participants (kids and families).
  • Participation in two social events:
    1. the TUM Sustainability Day on 27.10.2022, showing how to integrate protein materials in energy technologies during the colloquium “What role do materials play in sustainability?; talk and round table discussion >500 participants”
    2. the annual meeting of AseBio on 13.07.2022; Association of Bio-companies in which the advances in the biotechnological sector in Spain are discussed. Round table with >500 participants.