- Participation in the children’s program Aprendamos juntos 2030 – “C of cable…what’s behind the plugs?”
- Organization of a satellite event – “Protein-based materials: A sustainable solution for our technological world” with around 70 participants.
- Participation and organization of talks about the sustainable development and design of materials applied to our current technologies. This should be addressed to all public:
- Johannes-Turmair-Gymnasium on 15.07.2022; Around 40 students spanning from 7 to 11 course.
- European Climate Pact and the Bürgerstiftung Straubing, we participated in the KinderUni Straubing initiative with a lecture about “How Nature produces its own light”. We talked together about sustainable approaches using proteins and living materials as active components of LEDs; Around 50 participants (kids and families).
- Participation in two social events:
- the TUM Sustainability Day on 27.10.2022, showing how to integrate protein materials in energy technologies during the colloquium “What role do materials play in sustainability?; talk and round table discussion >500 participants”
- the annual meeting of AseBio on 13.07.2022; Association of Bio-companies in which the advances in the biotechnological sector in Spain are discussed. Round table with >500 participants.