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Accompanying AseBio!

Accompanying AseBio!

Rubén participated in the annual meeting of AseBio (; Spanish Association of Bio-companies) in which the advances in the biotechnological sector in Spain are summarized. He presented our advances and ideas in the frame of the European Projects ARTIBLED and InOutBioLight. You can check the details of the interview and discussion in the following link:

Nice Surprise! New MSCA Fellow

Nice Surprise! New MSCA Fellow

Dr. Banda was ranked at the top of the reserve list for the MSCA Fellowship 2021. Yesterday, we got the invitation for the grant preparation. This was a great surprise and honor for all of us!! EU will further strengthen us to redesign proteins for optoelectronics. We are very happy to work together with Dr. Banda.

Invited talk at U. Erlangen-Nürnberg

Invited talk at U. Erlangen-Nürnberg

Rubén was recently invited to present our advances in “sustainable ion-based lighting systems” in the frame of the European projects ARTIBLED and InOutBioLight. It was a nice chance to visit old friend and collaborators.

Congratulation to Ginevra for her presentation to JNOEJC 2022!

Congratulation to Ginevra for her presentation to JNOEJC 2022!

On 10th of June 2022, Ginevra presented her work in an oral communication entitled A Straightforward Synthesis for Heteroleptic Silver (I) complexes bearing NHC and Dinitrogenated ligands. She presented a new inexpensive and fast approach for the synthesis of Ag (I) heteroleptic complexes with different N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and 2,2´-dipyridylamine ligands.

Great evening with kids!!

Great evening with kids!!

In the frame of the European Climate Pact and the Bürgerstiftung Straubing, we participated in the KinderUni Straubing initiative with a lecture about “How Nature produces its own light”. We talked together about sustainable approaches using proteins and living materials as active components of LEDs. It was a great experience that we will repeat next year!! Thanks a lot to Stephanie Grümbel, Sophia Lipinski, Kelly Lim-Trinh, Marco Hasler and Alexander Mauz with the organization of the exciting experiments.