In 2020 the Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials was created at the Technical University of Munich in Campus Straubing under the lead of Prof. Dr. Rubén D. Costa. We conduct research going from the design and preparation of biogenic and sustainable active materials to the fabrication and optimization of energy-related (lighting and photovoltaic) technologies. This is rounded by our expertise in electrochemical, spectroscopic, and theoretical characterization techniques. Our final goal is to progress the technologies above fulfilling the Green Photonics concept. In particular, our current research encompasses three lines: protein hybrid materials, sustainable electroactive materials, and hybrid optoelectronics.
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Closing our EU FET ARTIBLED!!
It has been a wonderful journey with our colleagues from CIC BiomaGUNE, UNITO, CSIC, Abiel and TUGraz. Here, we have learned a lot about the design of…
Success in the last MSCA call!!
Dr. Amit Mishra will be our MSCA fellow at the chair. He will work on designing and optimizing cellulose-protein based solar thermoelectric…
Hot paper in Dalton !!
Earth-abundant metal complexes for solid-state lighting is However, the abundance of these metals should not blind us to a consideration of their cost. …