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TOP 2 % Scientists – Leading Minds in Science!

TOP 2 % Scientists – Leading Minds in Science!

Great honor, Rubén has entered in the Stanford List of the World’s Top 2 % Scientists for the main field of Enabling and Strategic Technologies with the sub-fields of Nanoscience/Nanotechnology and Materials. …

All the best JP!

All the best JP!

After 4 years at the chair, JP got a position as independent Ramon y Cajal Fellow at the private catholic University of Navarra. …

Bright to the future!

Bright to the future!

Bright to the future! Last week, Jesús delivered a talk as an invited speaker at the 32nd International Materials Research Congress 2024, in Cancún, México! …

Start New DFG-Project within SPP2451!

Start New DFG-Project within SPP2451!

I am excited to start the new DFG project within the SPP2451 Engineering living Materials with my colleague Prof. Bastian Blombach at the TUM Campus Straubing. …