Science under the Christmas tree in Bari, Italy
Sara and Luca participated to a conference in Bari (Italy, 19th and 20th December 2022), where they presented their research at “Chemistry under the Tree 2022” with oral contributions. The focus of the event has been on the green transition towards a…
Our Bio-HLEDs flew to Boston!
Sara brought Bio-HLEDs to Boston! She held an oral presentation at the Material Research Society Fall Meeting and Exhibit 2022, discussing about “All Bio-Phosphors for Highly Performing Low-Energy Bio-Hybrid Light-Emitting Diodes” in the context of…
EIC Podcast: Vertical farming – will factory-grown food become the new normal?
It was a great pleasure to participate in this European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) sponsored discussion on vertical farming with new innovations as our Bio-LEDs developed in ARTIBLED.
TUM Sustainability Day 2022: Integrating protein in energy technologies
On the 27th of October 2022, the Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials contributed to the TUM Sustainability Day, showing how to integrate protein materials in energy technologies during the colloquium “What role do materials play in sustainability?…
Local business meets Science
On 19/07/2022 Rubén, Alex and Sophia participated on the meeting with local industry to discuss the new technologies developed in the frame of sustainable lighting and photovoltaic.
Accompanying AseBio!
Rubén participated in the annual meeting of AseBio (; Spanish Association of Bio-companies) in which the advances in the biotechnological sector in Spain are summarized. He presented our advances and ideas in the frame of the…
Invited to talk at FAU
Rubén was recently invited to present our advances in “sustainable ion-based lighting systems” in the frame of the European projects ARTIBLED and InOutBioLight. It was a nice chance to visit old friend and collaborators.
Great evening with kids
In the frame of the European Climate Pact and the Bürgerstiftung Straubing, we participated in the KinderUni Straubing initiative with a lecture about “How Nature produces its own light”. We talked together about sustainable approaches using proteins…