Sara wins Best Presentation Award
Sara was awarded the Best Presentation Award for her talk Towards highly stable eco-friendly squaraine-protein phosphors for Bio-HLEDs, held on the 3rd of June 2021 at EMRS Spring 2021 Meeting.
Presentation of Prof. Costa at the short lecture evening: “KoNaRo: Straubing researches for sustainability. For 20 years”
The topics at the short lecture evening on Thursday, November 11 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. are as diverse as the focal points of the work at KoNaRo – Competence Center for Renewable Resources. Under the title “KoNaRo: Straubing researches for…
Guest article by Prof. Costa on the Bioeconomy Year of Science: Illuminating the world with bio-LEDs
Prof. Rubén Costa from the Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials at TUM Campus Straubing has written a guest article on the bioeconomy for the “Science Year” portal, published by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In the section…
EUROMAT 2021: Sara’s Keynote Presentation on the 16th September 2021
On the 16th of September 2021, Sara held a keynote presentation at EUROMAT 2021 entitled Highly stable bio-phosphors for high power Bio-Hybrid Light-emitting Diodes. She presented an overview on the current status of the application of Fluorescent…
European Climate Pact – Event „Protein-based materials: A sustainable solution for our technological world?”
We are thrilled to announce the virtual European Climate Pact Satellite Event “Protein-based materials: A sustainable solution for our technological world?” supported by the EU project ARTIBLED (No 863170). The event will take place at 1st of October…
Check out our ARTIBLED’s video!
It highlights the most relevant aspects of our FET-OPEN project:
M O T I V A T I O N | I N N O V A T I O N | T E A M | R E S E A R C H | A P P R O A C H
Please contact us for more information and/or collaboration.
Protein-based Lighting Team Wins Royal Society Of Chemistry’s Prestigious New Horizon Prize
An international collaboration of scientists at institutions including Technische Universität München, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Centro de Fisica de Materiales have been named the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s new Materials…
Rubén presented the most innovative aspects and results of the FET-OPEN 863170 project ARTIBLED
Rubén presented the most innovative aspects and results of the FET-OPEN 863170 project ARTIBLED (Engineered ARTIficial proteins for Biological Light-Emitting Diodes) at the Research meets Industry event organized by the European Innovation Council.…
Quo Vadis Biogenic Phosphors?
LED professional journal publishes an article about the research approach being carried under the ARTIBLED project in its December issue (page 64). More articles will follow showing the results of the project.