All the best for Santosh on his new position! Closing Po-TA-LEC MSCA action

We are very thankful for the great support of the MSCA training action on engneering phophorescent and TADF small molecules for white light-emitting that is dream material of Dr. Behera.  …

We are very thankful for the great support of the MSCA training action on engneering phophorescent and TADF small molecules for white light-emitting that is dream material of Dr. Behera. The project has been very challenging, but the results are under reviewing. Stay tuned to get them all! For today we share here an video gathering the most important aspects of Santosh`s research.

Why is he leaving us? Santosh has accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Govt. model degree college, Nayagarh, Odisha in India. He will focus on new emitting materials and mechanisms. We are very proud on having supported him during his post-docs as well as his next future steps as independent researcher. All the best from the BFM family!!
