The last paper of 2024 dedicated to Nishide’s birthday!

I am very happy that the last paper of 2024 is dedicated to the 77th birthday of Prof. Hiroyuki Nishide (Waseda University). I am honored to have had the opportunity to learn from him as a leader and a mentor. …

I am very happy that the last paper of 2024 is dedicated to the 77th birthday of Prof. Hiroyuki Nishide (Waseda University). I am honored to have had the opportunity to learn from him as a leader and a mentor.

In Japan, the age of 77 is called Kiju (year of joy), which is considered auspicious. The special issue on Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics organized by Prof. Kenichi Oyaizu (Waseda University), Prof. Takeo Suga (Waseda University) and Prof. Rigoberto Advincula (University of Tennessee - Knoxville) is the best flagship of this special year!

I hope you enjoy reading about how glycosylation of branched polyethylene oxide helps to stabilize fluorescent proteins in polymer coatings. This results in a significant increase in the stability of bio-hybrid light-emitting diodes. 

Congratulations to David, Alicia, Marta, and Mattia for this excellent work!
