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Congratulations to Elisa and Luca for the new paper!

Congratulations to Elisa and Luca for the new paper!

Congratulations to Elisa and Luca for their last contribution on novel red emitting Copper (I) complexes, toward sustainable white emitting lighting sources. This is a great piece of the great collaboration with Prof. Galliard from U. Caen. The advance article is freely available in Advanced Optical Materials.

Special Issue in Advanced Energy Materials about Recent Advances Towards Sustainable Materials and Processes for Energy Conversion and Storage

Special Issue in Advanced Energy Materials about Recent Advances Towards Sustainable Materials and Processes for Energy Conversion and Storage

Together with Prof. De la Peña O’Shea (IMDEA Energy) we have settled a special issue focused on Sustainable Materials and Processes for Energy Conversion and Storage.

This special issue highlights: i) the design/use of multifunctional hybrid systems as operational compounds/components in solar fuels, air purification, thermoelectric, water splitting, CO2 reduction, NH3 production, photovoltaic, storage, etc. ii) the development of novel heterojunctions for the smart management of photons and carriers, and iii) the distinctive ecological features of bio-compounds for energy technologies.

These contributions honor our efforts towards material and design models of sustainability without losing device performance for energy applications.

If you are interested, click below to get access to the editorial as well as our review on “How Nature helps sun-catching” that was highlighted by the cover of this special issue.

Presentation of Prof. Costa at the short lecture evening: „KoNaRo: Straubing researches for sustainability. For 20 years“

Presentation of Prof. Costa at the short lecture evening: „KoNaRo: Straubing researches for sustainability. For 20 years“

The topics at the short lecture evening on Thursday, November 11 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. are as diverse as the focal points of the work at KoNaRo – Competence Center for Renewable Resources. Under the title „KoNaRo: Straubing researches for sustainability. For 20 years“, six speakers will present their forward-looking topics.

Bio-based LEDs are the topic of Prof. Dr. Rubén D. Costa from the TUM Campus Straubing. LEDs are considered the future of artificial lighting and are particularly popular because of their low power consumption. But are they really a sustainable technology that our grandchildren will still be using? After all, they also come with some disadvantages, such as problematic ingredients. A more sustainable alternative could be protein-based LEDs, which Prof. Costa will present in the lecture.

EUROMAT 2021: Sara’s Keynote Presentation on the 16th September 2021

EUROMAT 2021: Sara’s Keynote Presentation on the 16th September 2021

On the 16th of September 2021, Sara held a keynote presentation at EUROMAT 2021 entitled Highly stable bio-phosphors for high power Bio-Hybrid Light-emitting Diodes. She presented an overview on the current status of the application of Fluorescent Proteins in Bio-Hybrid LEDs, focusing on the most promising approaches in the field and presenting our latest results.

Welcome to Prof. Coto!

Welcome to Prof. Coto!

We are very pleased to welcome Prof. Coto to our Chair as TUM Global Visiting Professor.

He is an expert in the theory and simulation of excited state processes in organic molecules and biomolecules and charge transfer and transport processes in novel materials with applications to nanoelectronics, organic photovoltaics and lighting.



Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials

Schulgasse 22
94315 Straubing


Head of the Chair

Prof. Dr. habil. Rubén D. Costa
Tel.: +49 (0) 9421 187-470


Susanne Zosel
Tel.: +49 (0) 9421 187-480

Theresa Rothammer (nicht anwesend)
Tel.: +49 (0) 9421 187-480