New Team Members starting in September!

We are very pleased to welcome M.Sc. Marta Patrian und Dr. Mattia Nieddu to our team.
Marta, our new PhD Student will focus on designing new fluorescent proteins for energy related applications.
Mattia is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow. His research focuses on developing Bio-hybrid LEDs based on fluorescent protein-based nanomaterials.

Congratulations to Elisa for the new paper!

Congratulations to Elisa for the new paper!

Congratulations to Elisa for the new paper on sustainable Copper (I) complexes for low-cost lighting systems based on light-emitting electrochemical cells. The advance article is highlighted in Dalton Transactions.

ARTIBLED’s video

ARTIBLED’s video

Check out our ARTIBLED’s video!

It highlights the most relevant aspects of our FET-OPEN project:
motivation, innovation, team, and research approach.

Please contact us for more information and/or collaboration.

Aquihaymuchaquimica !

Aquihaymuchaquimica !

Rubén held a dissemination talk for school teachers/students and families about proteins

…the future of a healthy and cheap artificial illumination?