Invited talk at U. Erlangen-Nürnberg

Invited talk at U. Erlangen-Nürnberg

Rubén was recently invited to present our advances in “sustainable ion-based lighting systems” in the frame of the European projects ARTIBLED and InOutBioLight. It was a nice chance to visit old friend and collaborators.

Great evening with kids!!

Great evening with kids!!

In the frame of the European Climate Pact and the Bürgerstiftung Straubing, we participated in the KinderUni Straubing initiative with a lecture about “How Nature produces its own light”. We talked together about sustainable approaches using proteins and living materials as active components of LEDs. It was a great experience that we will repeat next year!! Thanks a lot to Stephanie Grümbel, Sophia Lipinski, Kelly Lim-Trinh, Marco Hasler and Alexander Mauz with the organization of the exciting experiments.

ARTIBLED inspires new generations!!

ARTIBLED inspires new generations!!

We are very happy for the Award ON ZIENTZIA entitled “Argiztapen artifizial… naturala?” of Alain Sorazu, Alfredo Rodríguez, Kimberlyn Fonseca Pérez and Morgane Goyens, students of the máster de ilustración científica at the UPV/EHU (Spain). This young group was inspired by our European Project ARTIBLED – The jury has highlighted “it is a magnificent work of animation that perfectly integrates different techniques and has been able to clearly communicate a current research using an attractive aesthetic, and successfully combining music and effects”. This is a great example of the relevance of ARTIBLED to set in the sustainable technological future that we are looking forward.

Congratulations to Marco for his presitigious Master Thesis Award!!!

Congratulations to Marco for his presitigious Master Thesis Award!!!

Marco won the ‘Wissenschaftspreis Straubing 2022’. This price is awarded to students and scientists working at the Competence Center for Renewable Resources and have drawn attention to themselves through special achievements and outstanding dissertation or master’s thesis. Marco was awarded for his master’s thesis focused on the implementation of new fluorescent proteins and biopolymers in hybrid LEDs under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Rubén D. Costa at the Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials (TUM Campus Straubing).

We are on the TV!!

We are on the TV!!

Rubén had the opportunity to give a small insight into our research to a wide audience. He was featured in the show “alles wissen” on hr-fernsehen.

Here you can find the link to view his part in the show:

Congrats to Rubén for his new role as Ambassador of the European Climate Pact !

Congrats to Rubén for his new role as Ambassador of the European Climate Pact !

Rubén has been accepted as European Climate Pact Ambassador with a strong commitment in education to all public on climate action. In this context, we have already prepared a TUM Campus Straubing pledge. The range of pledges is extremely varied, seeking to address climate change, environmental degradation and, more broadly, sustainability.

You can check more details in: