
Erster Interdisciplinary Postdoc Day am TUMCS voller Erfolg

Erster Interdisciplinary Postdoc Day am TUMCS voller Erfolg

Am 01. Dezember 2022 fand am TUMCS der 1. Interdisciplinary Postdoc Day mit Teilnehmern unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen statt. Ziel des als Workshop angelegten Postdoc Days war es, die Entwicklung von neuen, kreativen und interdisziplinären Projektkonzepten zu unterstützen.

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Waseda-TUM walking together!

Waseda-TUM walking together!

We were honored to organize the first Waseda-TUM workshop, in which we intensively discuss innovative actions for research and teaching. Surely exciting news will come soon!!

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Global Young Academy member!

Global Young Academy member!

Rubén has been elected as a new member of the Global Young Academy (GYA) that is an international platform through which its members are linked to the international science policy statements and working groups in close collaboration with outstanding leaders of the international science community. Each year around 30-40 new members are elected based on the excellence of their scientific research, as well as on their demonstrated societal engagement over a large number of applicants from all around the world and scientific disciplines. Together with the current GYA members (no more than 200 members in total), Rubén will work at the vanguard of the international young scientists movement and form a strong voice to impact global development for more effective science and research around the world, through better connectedness, improved measures of achievement and higher quality science education and outreach.

In 2020, Rubén was elected as a member of the Spanish Young Academy and over these 3 years has been involved in many national activities related to education, mentoring, and societal engagement along with a strong scientific contributions. Now, he will continue them supporting the GYA family!

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Stibnite meeting with secondary school students and general public

Stibnite meeting with secondary school students and general public

Luca and Sancho presented their work on heteroatom doped graphene materials for energy optoelectronics (lighting and photovoltaics) to kids, teenagers, parents, and, basically, all who wanted to join in an open air meeting during the STiBNite school in Feb 20-24 in Perugia.

They took part of the “Layman terms explanation of STIBNITE to secondary school students and to general audience”, motivating undergraduate students with the impact of their research in STiBNite EU-project in both, academia and industrial fields, for their future career objectives.

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Braskem-Delegation besucht TUMCS

Braskem-Delegation besucht TUMCS

Am 14.02.2023 besuchten Vertreter des brasilianischen Chemieunternehmens Braskem den TUM Campus Straubing. Braskem, das vor allem in Süd- und Nordamerika aktiv ist, produziert überwiegend chemische Grundstoffe und Kunststoffe.

Die Gäste von Braskem tauschten sich mit den Wissenschaftlern des TUM Campus Straubing zunächst intensiv über aktuelle Forschungsstrategien und -schwerpunkte hinsichtlich der Entwicklung nachhaltiger Technologien in der Chemiebranche aus. Ein Fokus lag hierbei auch auf dem Green Fuel Center und der SynBiofoundry des TUM Campus. Der Besuch der OME-Anlage sowie verschiedener Labore rundete den Besuch ab.

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C of cable…what’s behind the plugs?

C of cable…what’s behind the plugs?

Rubén participated in the children’s program Aprendamos juntos 2030. Electricity from renewable sources, the use of efficient energy, the ways of making light that exist in Nature and many other topics that you can discover in the following link. Enjoy!

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Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials

Schulgasse 22
94315 Straubing


Head of the Chair

Prof. Dr. habil. Rubén D. Costa
Tel.: +49 (0) 9421 187-470


Susanne Zosel
Tel.: +49 (0) 9421 187-480

Theresa Rothammer (nicht anwesend)
Tel.: +49 (0) 9421 187-480